Brighton Builders Prices

Everyone dreams of completing their construction project in the shortest possible time and, especially,  within budget.There are a number of construction cost calculators available online that you can use to calculate your costs. While these calculators are helpful in giving you a rough idea of ​​how much money to earmark for your new home, they are far from accurate.

After delivering hundreds of projects that include house extensions, renovations and new builds in Brighton and Hove, East Sussex, it is very easy for us to come up with a reasonable quote for your building project. Our quote will take into consideration all the relevant factors and give you an estimate that will definitely fall within your budget framework.

You can call us on 01273 257 224 or send an email to to discuss your proposed building project with one of our directors.

What factors affect building costs?

As already pointed out, there are a number of factors that will affect the construction of your new home, some of which are obvious and others less. These factors are:

  • Project size
  • Site conditions
  • Project schedule
  • Quality of the materials
  • Place of construction
  • The complexity of the layout
  • Number of storeys

  • Basements
  • Need for professionals
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Insurance requirements
  • Clean up
  • Restrictive clauses

House building cost is usually calculated in pounds per square meter of floor space. Thus, the larger the floor area, the higher the total cost.

Additional associated fees

  • Legal fees – this includes stamp duty and the relevant property tax.
  • Topographical site survey
  • Design fees: Architects typically charge between 7-15% of the total construction cost for a service that includes design and supervision.
  • Structural engineering fees
  • Planning application fees

  • Insurance
  • Warranty: Usually approx. 1% of the order value
  • Preparations: such as setting up a construction site office, scaffolding, fences, safety and security equipment and so on.

  • Demolition costs
  • External work: Around 15% of the total construction costs
  • Building regulations fees

At Clifton Hill and Montpelier Builders & Construction, we believe in an open approach, therefore, we will break down all the relevant costs so you have a clear idea of what you are paying for and where your funds are going.

Contractors impact cost

The contractor you choose to complete your construction project may affect the total price but here at Clifton Hill and Montpelier Builders & Construction, we deliver value. 

You can enjoy significant savings by reducing preparation time, shortening the time spent on site and minimising the risk through efficient implementation. Our framework agreements enable us to create added value through supply chain partnerships and price transparency.

As professional contractors, we use high-quality materials and employ a skilled workforce. We have evidence to prove that we are trained, are members of professional associations and work according to the relevant building regulations.

Contact Brighton Builders Today

For Experts in General Construction and Renovation

Get in touch

Construction cost per square metre is only a rough starting point and will give you a rough idea of what to expect. If you already have such an estimate, it is never too early or too late to talk to Clifton Hill and Montpelier Builders & Construction about your budget and what you intend to achieve.

In order to better estimate the cost of building your house, detailed planning and construction plans must be drawn up and a request for a quote made. These take into account all the special features of your project, from the unique location requirements to the size, layout and features of the build.

Please forward the project details together with the associated documents directly to A member of the team will contact you as soon as possible. You can also call 01273 257 224 to speak to someone in real-time and explain your project to get advice that will help you make the right decisions. Get in touch today.

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