Structural Works Services in Brighton

Artista Engineering, located in Brighton, East Sussex, specialises in developing precise and reliable construction plans as well as handling structural works projects in Brighton and the surrounding areas of East Sussex.

Since 2010, we have been providing award-winning engineering services across a wide range of sectors in Brighton, East Sussex with a flair for delivering structural engineering solutions in diverse sectors.

We enjoy challenges that involve large and small projects and have taken part in a variety of structural work across all sectors of the construction industry including education, business, residential homes, and leisure centres.

With a focus on proper planning and straightforward budgeting, we aim to exceed your expectations and improve your project delivery. Our approach to quality control and safety is uncompromising.

Sectors covered


A wide range of work is undertaken by our dynamic company in the residential sector. The residential work includes but is not limited to all styles of lintels, columns, structural openings, loft additions, roofs, extensions, basements, foundations, and underpinning.

Over the past 10 years, we have successfully handled dozens of structural projects for homeowners in the region.


From multi-level garages to large gyms and larger offices, our extensive knowledge base provides the experience and expertise needed for any project.


Clifton Hill and Montpelier Builders & Construction can handle small scale structural and building work for clients in the industrial sector. Our experienced building team ensures that our projects are implemented efficiently and effectively. Clifton Hill and Montpelier Builders & Construction has the knowledge and experience to assess structural concerns and develop and carry our structural work for industrial units, factories, and warehouses.

Structural Engineering services we provide

At Clifton Hill and Montpelier Builders & Construction, we adapt our work method to the speed, size, and geographical location of our projects. We perform structural engineering services at any stage of a project, taking into account specific requirements or design changes.

Our structural work covers:

Civil Engineering

Clifton Hill and Montpelier Builders & Construction is headquartered in Brighton, East Sussex and offers both civil and structural engineering services. Our work covers a wide range of specialised services, from the assessment of condition and repair specifications to handling new projects for complex factories, offices, sewage treatment plants, light commercial industrial plants, and other related infrastructure.

Clifton Hill and Montpelier Builders & Construction strives to provide services at the highest level. Moreover, our employees are experts in their work areas.

Foundations and Piling Services

Clifton Hill and Montpelier Builders & Construction is a specialist in foundations and piling in Brighton, East Sussex. Our experience in piling management and foundation work allows our team to handle projects of all sizes. This covers commercial properties, new builds, and residential properties.

We have many years of experience in the field of substructures, retaining walls, floor panels, traditional foundations, reinforced concrete works, basement structures, drainage, and floor beams.

Temporary work

Temporary work is an essential part of any building project, enabling the safe and efficient execution of a permanent project. This is a legal requirement to meet the BS5975 temporary work standard. We can offer a comprehensive service to ensure that your construction project is in full compliance with the law.With a  background in civil engineering, our team of engineers can evaluate, define, analyze, and construct the most complex and demanding temporary constructions.


Clifton Hill and Montpelier Builders & Construction can give you a solid foundation for your construction project. Our mobile crushing and tipping facilities allow us to provide complete site clearance and bulk excavation service. For over 10 years, we have been involved in large-scale earthworks and civil engineering.

Subsidence surveys

A subsidence survey is an important part of any construction work. This is to prevent problems that may occur from building a property on a bad site. Clifton Hill and Montpelier Builders & Construction is one of Brighton’s leading providers of subsidence testing and remediation services. Our service covers detailed site surveys, including extensive testing, foundation and drainage surveys, soil analysis, and building surveillance.

Superstructure designAt Clifton Hill and Montpelier Builders & Constructions, we develop all types of building structures using all common materials such as steel, wood, masonry, and concrete.We also design special materials and products such as glass and SIPS plates.Our engineers are trained problem solvers, preferring to examine and test designs together with their colleagues in the design team. Our designs are refined with the latest 3D analysis software to test structural performance and its side effects. We are convinced that efficient engineering has a natural elegance and are very proud to deliver such engineering elegance in the East Sussex region.

Structural Design drawingAt Clifton Hill and Montpelier Builders & Construction, we have experienced and skilled people who can manage a variety of design and drafting projects. We offer design drawing solutions for all types of projects. With the latest CAD technology, our team can create a series of construction drawings for industrial, residential, and commercial buildings.

Our Guarantee

  • Suspendisse viverra neque
  • ante interdum posuere
  • Donec sem odio
  • sodales eu condimentum
  • Vivamus rhoncus orci
  • Proin vitae euismod

UnderpinningIf you are building or renovating a building and find that the foundation is not strong or stable enough, that the building structure has changed, or that a form of subsidence may have occurred, you may need to consider underpinning. This is the process of strengthening and shoring-up the foundation.As a reputable construction company in Brighton, not only do we provide underpinning solutions, we also offer an XXX-year warranty for defects and ensure that the required measures comply with the regulations.

Structural surveysA building survey or a complete structural survey is a detailed and comprehensive view of a property’s condition. It deals with hard to reach places and structural problems. Although it is one of the more expensive types of surveys, the level report detailing when buying older properties (especially those over 50 years old) is critical. This is to avoid possible disasters during the move and to be worry-free. Our professional experts are skilled at pointing out all these problems and fixing them.

Removing Load Bearing Walls

Completely or partially removing an interior wall is a great way to open smaller spaces to create large, open family spaces. This is also necessary if you integrate a new extension into your existing layout.At Clifton Hill and Montpelier Builders & Construction, we ensure that your home remains structurally stable during and after the removal of the wall, and we will take pains to ensure that original features of the home are fully protected.

Structural Engineering Software that we use

Artista designers, engineers, and technicians work closely together to solve problems as soon as possible and create a single model using the following software:

  • AutoCAD 
  • STAAD Pro
  • SAFE

  • RISA
  • Navisworks

Why Choose Us

We deliver value

The value is in the solution. Significant savings are achieved by reducing waste, shortening the time spent on site, and minimising the risk through efficient implementation. Thanks to our early integration into your design team, we will make sure to deliver the finished project on time, within budget, and up to your expectations. At Artista, we deliver value.

Experience Chartered Structural Engineers

Over the years we have gained extensive experience in all types of construction and engineering work for all major market sectors, covering all procurement routes and types of buildings. Our Chartered Structural Engineers have experience in planning new buildings or renovations for clients in any sector.

Responsive approach

Through Clifton Hill and Montpelier Builders & Construction’s reaction to the changing needs of its customers, combined with in-depth technical knowledge, all customers can expect reliable, efficient, and comprehensive service.We take a practical approach toward difficult and challenging projects. Our team of Chartered Civil and Structural Engineers have experience in solving construction and building problems and in providing best practice solutions.

We cover all construction work

We cover all aspects of structural design, including site surveys, fire damage reports, technical reports and more.  To learn more about our structural engineering services, contact our team in Brighton, East Sussex.

Effective communication

At Clifton Hill and Montpelier Builders & Construction, we appreciate that all of our customers have unique requirements, and we always strive to add real value to our relationships by providing professional construction and building skills, effective communication, and a broad commitment to providing excellent customer service.

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Environment-friendly services

It is of fundamental importance for the management of our company that we are a good corporate citizen. One of the most important areas in which we can make a difference is how we treat the environment.

At Clifton Hill and Montpelier Builders & Construction, we have identified key areas where we are committed to minimising the environmental impact of our business. The nature of these central areas of impact is contained in every single project that we carry out. 

By effectively managing these areas of impact, we are taking environmental protection measures that we will all share in the coming years.

We use the best technology

By using the best available technology, committing to an ethos of technical innovation, while taking into account changing cultural trends, we have truly innovated to meet some of Brighton’s biggest challenges, especially in environmental technology and waste recycling. 

We always consider each customer’s specific project needs and believe that our success lies in our passion for developing practical yet simple solutions with a sustainable approach.

Wide range of specialists

Our company employs a wide range of specialists, including qualified engineers, physicists, and geologists. These are supported by our technicians, secretarial, and project management staff.

Fully insured

We have a full professional liability insurance up to a maximum of £XXXm.

Health and Safety

Clifton Hill and Montpelier Builders & Construction has a strong health and safety culture and is accredited by a number of quality and safety organisations.

We create a culture in which the health and safety of our employees, customers, and other people come first. The continuous education and training of our employees are also important to us, as this ensures that Clifton Hill and Montpelier Builders & Construction is always at the forefront when it comes to setting standards for work practices and finding innovative solutions to challenging problems.We authorise all employees and contractors to discontinue any work that is considered unsafe or not in accordance with HSE guidelines until the problem has been corrected.

Contact us

We don’t just build for tomorrow; we develop solutions that last a lifetime. Contact us to learn more about what we can accomplish for the structural integrity of your construction project. Call us on 01273 257 224 or email us via


Who is a structural engineer?

A structural engineer is someone who specialises in the construction of buildings. They determine the strength and durability of a structure —i.e. a building and are an important specialist in the construction process. They assess the strength of a building and provide specifications and calculations for the design as well as suggestions for building materials in construction and renovation projects

What is a building inspection?

It is a visual inspection performed by a structural engineer to determine if the building or structure is structurally sound, or if it is experiencing structural problems, and if so, what are the causes and remedies. If the building or structure has a defect that requires further investigation, the structural engineer advises on the type of exploration work. For example, test holes to expose the existing foundation to determine the most effective structural solution.

What is building subsidence?

This refers to a foundation moving down as if it were sinking under the building. What looks like a small movement can have major ramifications for the structural integrity of the building and also for the safety of its occupants. There are various signs of building sinking, including diagonal cracks and windows and doors that stick, among other things.

What is included in the superstructure?

The superstructure is the part of a building that is built above the ground and serves the purpose of the intended use of the structure. It includes columns, beams, ceilings up, including all surfaces, door and window plans, floors, roofs, lintels, and parapets.

What is the difference between substructure and superstructure?

A superstructure is an outward expansion of an existing structure above a foundation, commonly referred to as a ground level, and is typically meant for the purpose of using the structure. A substructure is an underlying or load-bearing structure for a superstructure. It is underground and the foundation is part of the substructure.

What is the purpose of underpinning?

When building or renovating, underpinning is the process of strengthening the foundation of an existing building or structure. The underpinning may be necessary for various reasons, for instance, if the construction site is not structurally sound and may not bear the foundation and load of the building. It is more economical to work on the foundation of the current structure than to build a new one.

How long does underpinning take?

Unexpected problems can sometimes arise during the underpinning process, especially in an older house. In this case, the project takes a little longer. So, a typical basic job usually takes four to six weeks.

How long does a complete structural survey take?

Reviewing a home buyer's report can take between 1.5 and 4 hours, and production takes 3 to 5 business days (both depending on the size of the property). The cost of the report depends on the type and purchase price of the property. This is a detailed and comprehensive report.

Do you need a building permit to remove a load-bearing wall?

In general, you do not need to apply for planning permission for internal changes, including the removal of interior walls. Depending on whether your wall is load-bearing or not, you may need the approval of your local authority.

How much does it cost to build an inner wall?

Just as the design fees vary depending on the location, type of wall, and the size of the opening, the cost of removing them would also vary. The prices given on our site are only guidelines and can vary from project to project.

What are the signs of building damage to the house?

Signs of structural damage can include:  
  • Curved walls;
  • Space where walls and floors meet;
  • Drywall cracks, particularly around door frames;
  • Nail popping off;
  • Hinged closets; 
  • Cracked basement walls - star-shaped,  horizontal or vertical;
  • Springy or Uneven  floors;
  • Glued windows or doors;

Do I need a structural survey?

If you are concerned about the structural integrity of your property or have been instructed by a third party to receive a structural report, for example from a mortgage lender, we recommend that you contact us to discuss the matter with one of our engineers. If we believe that a survey is required, we will guide you through the process and tell you what type of survey we think is best for you.

What does a structural engineer report cover?

A structural survey (also called a status report) is an assessment of the structural integrity of a building. All structural concerns identified by the engineer and the remedial action to be taken are listed in a report.

What information do you need for the design work?

Typically, a full set of architectural drawings (plans, views, and sections) is a good place to start. Other information may be required, such as tree, soil, and drainage historical reports, etc., but these can be discussed individually for each project.

Who hires a structural engineer?

The project manager or owner will hire a structural engineer. If your architect or contractor manages the project on your behalf, they will contact an engineer but will confirm the cost with you before proceeding.

What happens after I have appointed a structural engineer?

If you have commissioned an architect to design your new building or property expansion project, they will email us their drawings. Then we can determine what investigations are needed and then your builder can "open up" where further exploration is needed. One of our civil engineers will visit the building site and prepare a structural model for review and approval before planning the required structural measurements and detailed design drawings for your project. The information package created by your architect and structural engineer will then be sent to Building Control for approval, and your project can then be submitted for a tender. Your project is set once you have all the relevant building codes and all other permits —those required under the Party Wall Act 1996, etc. If you have any other questions you would like answered, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our structural specialists at Clifton Hill and Montpelier Builders & Construction Brighton. Call 01273 257 224 to ask your questions or write to
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